Rejected Gamer

Indie Games – I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1

indiegames_imagwz1nitDeveloper Jamezila and SKA Studios brings you one bargain of a shooter for any gamers that love taking on Zombies. You might remember James Silva and  the Dishwasher, the first winning game for the XNA Dream Build & Play Challenge. That game went on later to be fully released on Xbox Live Arcade and we’ve now seen a few other titles from James and Ska Studios.

James is back at it again now with I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1 and under the Indie Games section of Xbox Live now. I first learned about this title via Twitter and I wasn’t sure if it was real or not at first, but I’m glad that I went ahead and purchased this one.

I can tell you this as well, just skip the download demo all together for this game and go straight on to purchase this one right now. Its the best 80 pts that you’ll spend for a singal game and if your a fan of top down shooters & dual analog stick games, then this game has it all, plus plenty of Zombies man and its only a $1.

Developer: Jamezila
Publisher: Ska Studios
Genre: Top Down Shooter
Price: 80 MS Points ($1)
Rating: Unrated

The old school, block letter graphics that greet you first in this game will perhaps have you worried, but don’t be scared just yet. The game will soon launch with what appears to be a grassy field and a loan Zombie slayer on the screen, all ready for some action now and then the music will start to play. James said the lyrics for this game were created on the spur of the moment and I have to say its a fun little tune to listen to as you play through the game, as you start to fight to stay alive now. I think I’ve actually played this game so much that the tune is now stuck in my head, but I don’t mind that all.



You have the ability for up to 4 slayers to play locally if you like in this game, but I recommend that you make a go at this on your own for your first outing and see what this game really has to offer here, you can always add friends locally later on if you like. The pressure will slowly begin to mount as more and more of these Zombies arrive and soon you will be over whelmed with a flood of them.

As you work on clearing out the levels here, you will start to find various upgrades for your weapons of destruction like flame throwers, lasers, machine guns, rocket launchers, and many more. The game also gives you power ups of extra health and what appears to be protection shields of sorts. The only thing I think that is missing here is perhaps some online play with your friends and some leader boards for high scores, but that doesn’t take away from this fun little Indie Game at all.



I hope  I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1 will really climb to the top of the charts here on Xbox Live and that Ska Studios will do really well with this one in conclusion. Its a highly addictive game to play over and over and it will have you working to beat your higher scores in no time. Trust me here and take a look under the Indie Games section and get this one, you will have a blast killing off these Zombies. (A+)

- Robert Owens

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