As many of us already know, most movie-to-game adaptions tend to be rushed out pieces of crap that are either a short single player adventure with no replay value, or a game that focuses only on the single player experience, and offers a bunch of bad multiplayer mini-games that are only fun the first time around. Then there are games like Wanted: Weapons of Fate that come out, and even though they have interesting ideas, and are fun to play, the experience ultimately feels short lived because of little replay value, and no multiplayer options available. Let us get to the review shall we. (more…)
Quite arguably one of the best Zelda games ever made, Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64 is going to be remade for the Nintendo Wii, possibly being apart of the New Play Control series (at least that is what i am thinking it is going to be apart of). (more…)
Here are the latest game videos and DS demos available from the Nintendo Channel. (more…)
Here is your weekly update of game releases for Wiiware and the Virtual Console. (more…)
Keman and X3R0 finally had an opportunity to get together and record this week after battling with technical difficulties on X3R0′s end and Keman moving to his new pad. X3R0 was slow on the participation this week, but Keman picked up the slack with his explosive weekly rant. So stick around to find out what has Keman up in a tizzy. (more…)
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Whats up everybody, got some more news for ya from the world of Nintendo. (more…)
Here are the latest game videos and DS demos available from the Nintendo Channel. (more…)
The Virtual Console Arcade makes its debut, here are the four games that have just been released for it. (more…)
Here we are coming up on our first gaming night (Saturday, March 28, 2009 9pm Est.) and I wanted to let you all know that we will be giving out some H.A.W.X swag, thanks to Ubisoft! But first let’s give out the details of the gaming night: (more…)
Nintendo’s president Satoru Iwata has revealed quite a few things during his GDC keynote today. I just wanted to go over a couple of the announcements that caught my eye.
1. Wii System Menu 4.0 revealed: This update includes an SD Card icon at the bottom of the main screen. Each SD Card will have it’s own menu with up to 20 screens. It will also lift the 2GB memory cap, allowing for high-capacity SD Cards. Wiiware and Virtual Console games can now be downloaded to and launched from an SD card directly without going through the Wii System Memory.
My Thoughts: The Wii is finally getting a storage fix, but not the one I was hoping for. A new USB Hard-Drive would have been a better solution, but I guess I will have to take what I can get for the time being.
Side Note: The update is available for download right now.
2. Final Fantasy: My Life as a Darklord and Final Fantasy IV: The After Years will both be coming to Wiiware later this year. Final Fantasy I and IV will also be released in the US, for the Wii, later this year.
My Thoughts: The first Wiiware Final Fantasy game did not do that well at all, so I have no idea as to why Square Enix is releasing two more of them. Releasing I and IV will offer some decent fan service to fanboys, but that is about all it will do.
3. Virtual Console Arcade makes it debut today, bringing classic arcade titles to Wii owners. Six games are already available, including Space Invaders and Mappy.
My Thoughts: I honestly cannot wait to get my hands on Space Invaders, but other than that, not too sure about this one. Only time will tell to see if it delivers the goods.
4. New Zelda DS game announced entitled “The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks” will be available later this year.
My thoughts: Nice to see another Zelda game coming to the DS, but how about the Wii, when will a new Zelda game be coming out on there. Disappointing, yet a good thing to hear at the same time.
Videos from the conference can be found at
If I find out anything else, all of you will be the first to know, until then, see you later.
Harmonix and MTV Games announced yesterday that twelve tracks from The Who, The Offspring, R.E.M, and Richard Thompson were made available in the Rock Band 2 Wii Music store as of yesterday. (more…)
Here are the latest game videos and DS demos available from the Nintendo Channel. (more…)
Here is your weekly update of game releases for Wiiware and the Virtual Console. (more…)
We regret to say this, but once again, the Rejected Gamer Podcast had technical difficulties and it was only noticed during the editing of the show. So there won’t be an episode 2 this week. (more…)
It is not too often that a story comes along like this, and I just could not pass it up.
Guinness World Records announced today that House of the Dead: Overkill has just broken into the Guinness World Record’s Gamers Edition book for the most swearing ever used in a videogame with 189 uses of the F Word, which is spread out over three hours of spoken dialogue in the game. (more…)