Here are the latest game videos and DS demos available from the Nintendo Channel. (more…)
The DSi is out now, and it has a fully functional downloadable game service available for it. (more…)
Here is your weekly update of game releases for Wiiware and the Virtual Console. (more…)
Ok, I think I’m being a little silly, but a friend of mine said something that bothered me today.
“You know you’re a Nintendo site, right?”
As much as I wanted to counter him, I could not. Now I love B4 like a brother, and he puts X3R0 and myself to shame when it comes to posting news. I think there is the problem. I’ve been neglecting my duties as a host and writer for our Rejected Community, and going forward I plan to have more stories, maybe some news, and hopefully some new rants to get you thinking. For now take heed as I plan to hold a secret meeting with the other two writers and strike a semi-balance between systems and views.
Be on the lookout for a ton of crap about my new iPod touch.
The DSi is out now, and it has a fully functional downloadable game service available for it. (more…)
Here are the latest game videos and DS demos available from the Nintendo Channel. (more…)
Here is your weekly update of game releases for Wiiware and the Virtual Console. (more…)
Ive had my DSi for awhile now, and here is a quick review of what I think of it. (more…)
I just picked up this game a couple of days ago, and i am already having quite a bit of fun with it. The game is called Henry Hatsworth in: The Puzzling adventure for the Nintendo DS. The game is both an old school 2D platformer, and a Tetris Attack type puzzle game at the same time. You may have doubts about this, but from what i have played so far, it actually works out quite well.
You are Henry, a person looking for pieces a suit that makes you younger, and grants you magical powers, and a man named Weasley is also looking for the same suit, so now the race is on to see who can get the pieces first.
Gameplay is simple, yet engaging. The enemies that you kill on the top screen turn into enemies in the puzzle on the bottom screen. You have to kill the enemies on the bottom screen to completely eliminate them from the game. Platforming controls are simple, you hit Y to do a melee attack, B to do a ranged attack, and A to jump. You hit the X button to get in and out of a puzzle, which helps makes the gameplay seamless between puzzler and platformer. Matching blocks in the puzzle on the bottom screen can also attack enemies on the top screen, as well as provide you with energy to turn into an invincible robot, and to also use charged attacks for the weapons that you have.
You earn money at the end of each stage to aquire new powerups, as well as increase your health, strength, and defensive abilities.
It can be difficult to get through the levels sometimes, but since the controls work so well so far, the difficulty can be forgiven.
Expect a full review once I have completed the entire game, until then, talk to all of you later.
Let us get the stats out of the way first.
Title: Sonic and the Black Knight
Genre : Action Adventure
ESRB rating: Rated E for Everyone
Number of players: 1-4
ESRP: $49.99
Created by: Sega
Now on to the review:
Sonic has had a rough go of it as of late, and other than the daytime levels in Sonic Unleashed, there has not been a title in recent memory that has been as entertaining as the loop de loop 2D sidescrolling games from his past. He has been looking to make a comeback for awhile, and his latest game, Sonic and the Black Knight, does not do anything to show us that he is ready for that just yet. Instead, we are left with a gimmick that is not only strange, but one that also takes the element that have made past Sonic games great, speed. (more…)
Nintendo announced on Tuesday that its new peripheral, the Wii Motionplus, which is supposed to enhance the use of the Wii remote by giving 1:1 response time with each action you make in a game, now has a release date. The Motionplus attachment is set to release on June 8th, and will have an ESRP of $19.99 per attachment. (more…)
I am currently looking for someone to do a Nintendo related podcast with. We will cover all news Wii and DS related, as well as talk about new releases on both platforms(and for each of their downloadable services), give our thoughts on games we have played, or accessories that we have tried out, maybe talk about clasic games for the NES, SNES, and N64 days.
If you are interested in doing a Nintendo podcast, please contact me at and let me know, than you very much, and i look forward to hearing from at least one person(lol).
The DSi is out now, and it has a fully functional downloadable game service available for it. (more…)
Here are the latest game videos and DS demos available from the Nintendo Channel. (more…)
Here is your weekly update of game releases for Wiiware and the Virtual Console. (more…)