To be honest with all of you, nothing in particular from this weeks available downloads sounds appealing, but I will give it a shot. The VC is back, and gets a game that I have never heard of, and some kids might recognize one of the Wiiware titles, as it comes from a popular cartoon franchise. The DSiWare service might have a shot with some of its offerings, but we will just have to wait and see. With that being said, here is my pick for Nintendo Download of the Week for May 31st, 2010. (more…)
This topic has been on my mind for awhile, and I figured now was as good of time as any to share my thoughts on it with all of you. Over the past couple of weeks, certain video game companies have started playing around with the idea of charging people who buy used games a certain fee to access their online services. EA Sports has announced the Online Pass service(which has you pay one fee for online access to all of their games), and THQ has already started making people pay for these features by offering them as DLC for UFC Undisputed 2010. What really (as Peter Griffin would say) grinds my gears about this whole thing is that people who buy used games cannot afford new copies for a reason, and making them pay for something that should be a part of experience to begin with is just plain stupid. (more…)
Its time to get out those controllers and get your game on my friends, because the Rejected Gamer Gaming Night has returned. Our first event will take place this Thursday at 10pm Eastern time on Xbox Live. Send me a message on there, to my gamertag MrB4 if you are interested in joining. You can also leave a comment here to let me know if you want to be a part of it or not. (more…)
Since Kirby Super Star was such a big VC release last week, I was kind of expecting no VC game this time around, and that’s exactly what I got. Oh well, its not that big of a deal, because both the Wiiware and DSiware services are offering up some great games, which is going to make my pic for the week that much more difficult. The only question now is do I pick a space shooter or light racing game? Here we go, here is my pick for Nintendo download of the Week for May 24th, 2010. (more…)
As you may have already noticed, the amount of content on the site has been a little on the short side as of recently. The reason why this has been occurring is because our lives are so hectic, and we just haven’t had as much time to update all of you about what is going on in the world of gaming. The point that I will eventually get to is that if you are looking to be a writer, and have a passion for Video Games, then you might be able to help us out.
Here is what you need to do, just send in a quick write up about anything that relates to Video Games, and after each one of us has had a chance to look it over, we will decide who will become our new writer. Don’t worry about being perfect, just make sure you know how to spell, and how to write in complete sentences. I know it sounds demeaning, but trust me on this one, there are alot of bloggers out there whose writing is so terrible it looks like they were just randomly slapping the keyboard with their fingers.
So if you think you have a style that matches what Rejected Gamer is all about, send us your entry at right now.
Good Luck Everybody!
3DDotGameHeroes has finally arrived in the U.S, and since I’ve got my hands on it I’ve spent a handful of hours editing my own 3DDotHero. In the weeks that follow I will be posting my favorite 3DDotHeroes right here on RejectedGamer.
Seriously, if I do not choose the Virtual Console offering as my download of the week, all of my friends are going to think I’m crazy. It was one of those rare titles from my childhood that really stood out to me as a gamer. The hardest part about this decision is the fact that the WiiWare service has just released a game that has been on my must buy list ever since I saw the first trailer for it. Despite this difficult decision, here is my pick for Nintendo Download of the Week for May 17th, 2010. (more…)
Inventive control mechanics and bizarre art direction are all it takes to knock me out. I have the lumps to prove it. (more…)
After the two stagnant weeks of almost nothing good coming out for either of Nintendo’s downloadable services, things are starting to get better. Even though this is a repeat from the last article, I still hate the fact that the Virtual Console is not getting the love and care it deserves. That being said, my pick for this week was a fairly easy one, especially since it was one of my favorite handheld games at Pax East. So without further adieu, here is my pic for Nintendo Download of the Week for May 10th, 2010. (more…)
Here is part 2 of the Bioshock 2 Spoilars! episode. From Siren Alley to the closing credits.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
At one point or another, we all have to deal with it. Even if we don’t like to do so, they are the only source of information we have when it comes to fixing problems with our consoles. Who am I talking about you might ask?, I am talking about Customer Support. Now I don’t know about your previous experiences in dealing with these people, but there had to be at least one time that they screwed up in trying to help you with your problem. And now I would like to share with all of you a story about someone i just met, who just encountered this situation a couple of days ago. (more…)
After the disappointing offering of games from last week, I was really hoping for something better this time around. Even with the absence of a Virtual Console offering, and some passable DSiWare titles, I was still able to find something that peaked my interest. As soon as I read a description of it on IGN(more on that later), there was no doubt in my mind that this Wiiware game is definitely worth checking out. So here it is, my pic for Nintendo Download of the Week for May 3rd, 2010. (more…)