Rejected Gamer

Punchout Wii gets release date, other titles announced also.

Just found this story on Gamespot today. Apparently, Nintendo has just updated their release schedule today of their upcoming titles from both first and third party developers. One of the games on the schedule was the next installment of the popular boxing game “Mike Tyson’s Punch-out”, simply called “Punchout”. The release date for this sequel will be May 18th of this year.

Along with this game, there were a few other titles announced, some from the New Play Control series(Gamecube games with added Wii control) that is coming out. Mario Power Tennis and Pikmin are set to release on March 9th, with Donkey Kong Jungle Beat set to release on May 4th. The next installment of the Excitebite and Excite Truck series, entitled “Excitebots: Trick Racing”( Wii Wheel compatibility), has just been announced, but no fficial release date has been given as of yet. The Conduit and Let’s Tap will be releasing in June.

Nintendo also said that it would be bringing The Legendary Starfy to the US for the first time on June 8, which will be released on the DS(originally released in Japan for the GBA in 2002).

I am personally excited for The Conduit and Punch-out myself, most of these others titles i mentioned sound like more shovelware crap, but i guess that we will have to wait and see what happens to those games.

The full set of game releases, along with the original article, can be found here.

FIFA ’09 Giveaway [Closed]

Rejected Gamer Logo

In collaboration with EA Sports, Rejected Gamer will be giving away several copies of FIFA ’09 for the Playstation 3 during the next week and a half. Make sure you are following us on Twitter, , and also make sure to check back here and at the forums for how you can win a copy of FIFA ’09. (more…)

PSP Makes a Stand in ’09

During my morning routine of visiting , I came across a very interesting tweet from . It looks like Sony has a slew of killer PSP games that are making their way to gamers this year. (more…)

New MGS Touch Video

A new trailer has been released for the new Metal Gear Solid Touch game. Konami and Kojima Productions released another trailer for their iPhone and iPod Touch game and it looks pretty straightforward. (more…)

Lost Planet 2 Announcement Trailer

Capcom just released an announcement trailer today for their upcoming game, entitled Lost Planet 2. (more…)

Rock Band Wii DLC Update 2/23

Harmonix and MTV Games announced today that eight tracks from The Cars will be available in the Rock Band 2 Wii Music store as of today. (more…)

NC Update 2/23

Here are the latest game videos and DS demos available from the Nintendo Channel. (more…)

Wiiware/VC Updates 2/23

Here is your weekly update of game releases for Wiiware and the Virtual Console. (more…)

Return to Wonderland

EA announced today that they are reuniting with American McGee again! You ask what does that mean? That means we are getting another insane version of Alice in Wonderland. EA and Spicy Horse announced that they have signed a publishing deal for an all-new title based on EA’s 2000 classic, American McGee’s Alice. The new title is in development for the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360. (more…)

Dead Space: Extraction Trailer

EA just announced today that the Wii’s version of Dead Space titled “Extraction” will be hitting store shelves in Q3 2009. The game will feature a female in the lead role as someone who joins up with space colonists trying to escape from infection on the Aegis VII mining colony. It will also feature new weapons, puzzles, and a co-op mode. (more…)

DSi release date announced!

DSi pic

I have just been surfing through the interwebs of the internet today, and I found out some interesting news about the new SKU of the DS, the DSI.

Just to get this out of the way, I found out this news from, which is a great community. Anyways, on to the news.

Nintendo has announced today that this new handheld will ship out to stores on April 5th, 2009. The MSRP for it will be $169.99, and will have a few different features that set it apart form the DS lite, and also the original DS. It will have two cameras, one on the inside, and one on the outside. There is an SD card slot that will be used for gamesaves, as well as photos. A wireless indicator will let you know when you have an active wi-fi connection. The layout will be similar to the Wii’s channel style, and it will feature a downloadable game service as well. There are many more features for it, but I will not say them all, because I want you to be at least a little bit surprised when it comes out.

I already have a DS, so my chances of getting it are not likely. If these new features interest you, however, then by all means pick it up, the choice is up to you.

House of the Dead: Overkill Review

House of the dead cover art

Have you ever just wanted to sit down one day, blow up some zombies (excuse me, mutants), look at some big boobs, and hear the f word used repeatedly during a video game. Look no further, because House of the Dead Overkill has got you covered. (more…)

New TMNT fighting game coming to Wii!

That is right folks, you heard it here first, those heroes in a half shell are going to star in yet another video game. This time the game is going to be a Wii exclusive brawler, like Super Smash Bros. Brawl (especially the people who made the game are working on this one), just with Ninja Turtles characters instead. The name of this game is TMNT: Smash-Up, and it is set to hit store shelves this September to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the popular franchise. (more…)

Rock Band 2 Wii DLC Update, oh whatever, Nevermind!

Rock Band 2 logo

Harmonix and MTV Games announced today that seven tracks from Nirvana will be available in the Rock Band 2 Wii Music store.

All seven of these songs are from their 1991 album Nevermind, and all of them are the original master recordings of each song. Each song costs $2.00(200 Wii points) a piece, and all of them are previously released DLC for the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3.

Here is the list of the songs:

1. Breed
2. Lounge Act
3. On a Plain
4. Polly
5. Something in the Way
6. Stay Away
7. Territorial Pissings

All of these songs are available now in the Rock Band 2 Wii music store, so be sure to check them out.

Nintendo Channel Update: Week of 2/16

Here are the latest game videos and DS demos that have been released on the Nintendo Channel.


1. Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon Teaser Trailer (00:47)
2. Pokemon Platinum TV Spot (00:31)
3. Super Smash Bros. Brawl: Tutorial 1 (04:09)
4. Sonic and The Black Knight: Video 3 (00:48)
5. We Ski and Snowboard TV Spot(00:32)
6. Deadly Creatures: Developers Voice (01:09)
7. House of the Dead OVERKILL: Developer Video: Story (03:02)
8. Valkyrie Profile Info Video (01:00)
9. Imagine Cheerleader Info Video (00:45)
10. Nascar Kart Racing Daytona Video (01:20)
11. World of Goo: Making the Art (02:21)
12. Evasive Space Info Video (01:05)

DS Download Service Demos

1. Rubik’s World
2. Imagine Ice Champions

Be sure to stop by the Nintendo Channel and check out all of this stuff, and so much more.

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